You’ve wandered into the topsy-turvy world of Tulgey Wood, the blog of writer and historian Jim Fanning. Tulgey Wood celebrates artistry and creativity (and sometimes just plain madness): movies, animation, TV, books, comics—and of course Disney, lots and lots of true-blue, through-and-through Disney, including D23 and Disney twenty-three Magazine, and Sketches Magazine and the Walt Disney Collectors Society. Tulgey Wood is so fun, fascinating and full of frolicsome photos and facts, it’s scary. So wander through the wonder of it all, and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Connecting The Dots For Trick Or Treat Time

The Harvey comics are a rich source of Halloween fun. Even aside from the supernatural characters (Casper, Spooky, Wendy the Good Little Witch) that were a to-be-expected tie-in, the Harvey roster boasted several child stars who too were naturally interested in the horrific holiday. Here's Little Dot, obsessed with polka-dots just as Little Lotta was preoccupied with food and Richie Rich was always ported having fun with cash and jewels. While another trick-or-treater is scared off by the ghost, Little Dot seems delighted, not frightened. And why should she be scared? The emerging phantasm is plastered with Dot's favorite decoration, polka-dots.  This cover of Little Dot Dotland (no. 16, cover dated 1965), so enchantingly evocative of a fun evening of trick-or-treeing, is part of the Countdown to Halloween 2017. Be sure and check back through October for more spooky season shenanigans.

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